How often have you driven all over town looking for an air machine to fill your tires? You go from location to location only to find most of the existing machines aren’t operational, they eat your money without turning on, or are simply disconnected. It’s a constant frustration for customers everywhere.
That’s why our MaxCash Air Machines are such a big hit! We provide excellent state of the art air machines to your location. We install them correctly, then monitor and maintain them. This gives you the superb quality, and very reliable air machines customers quickly come to trust.
Soon your air machines will be a magnet that attracts many more customers. These are perfect for gas stations, C Stores, retail locations, and a variety of businesses.
Our air machines feature auto-calibrated air pressure, so users always get just the right inflation. This relieves significant anxiety many drivers have about under or over-inflating their tires. Your machine quickly becomes the favorite in the area.